New Updates to Cigna – One Guide

LOOK WHAT’S NEW IN 2021 – ONE GUIDE, you may ask what is Cigna One Guide?  We first mentioned One Guide during Open Enrollment in November 2020, but that seems so long ago at this time.  Here is a reminder about the new services available to you through Cigna One Guide.

Cigna One Guide is a service to assist you in making more informed healthcare  choices by providing greater depth and ways to understand how your coverage works:

  • Explain the Explanation of Benefit (EOB) you received on a service,
  •  Give you answers to your health care or medical plan questions,
  • Find in-network doctors, labs and/or urgent care centers,
  • Connect with health coaches, pharmacists and more,
  • Stay on track with appointments and preventative care,
  •  Take advantage of dedicated one-on-one support for complex health situations,
  •  Learn ways to save and get the most value from your medical plan,
  •   Get cost-estimates and service comparison information to avoid surprises.

One Guide offers you the personal touch of a concierge service.  You can access One Guide in three different ways:

1.      Phone              Call the number on the back of your Cigna card,

2.      myCigna         Chat through your online account,

3.      App                  Download the myCigna app on your phone.

Additional One Guide flyers can be found at these links:

One Guide Benefits

One Guide App

Other services provided to you by Cigna include Tools and Resources available to you at your myCigna account.  You can use these tools to support your decision making.  Check out this video that will walk you through all the cost comparison/cost containment tools available to help you make the most informed and fiscally sound decisions. 

Being better consumers of healthcare, like anything, comes down to commitment and practice.  Choose to be prepared, to take responsibility and to use the tools and resources available to you to help you be successful.  You have got nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

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