Zoom at Middlebury

As of July, Middlebury has been using Zoom as its primary video and web conferencing platform for one full year.  Zoom is being used for both large and small meetings as well as classes and webinars.  The response has been overwhelmingly positive and the usage metrics reinforce the positive response.

June Meeting Statistics

June Meeting Locations

Did you know?

  • Only the host of a Zoom meeting needs an account, and anyone from anywhere in the world can join.
  • Up to 100 video or audio participants can join a standard Zoom meeting.
    • By request, Middlebury has large meeting licenses available for up to 200 attendees and webinar licenses which can accommodate up to 500!
  • Zoom can be used as a telephone-only conferencing bridge, replacing existing Verizon conference lines.
  • H.323 / SIP video conferencing endpoints (Polycom, Cisco, Tandberg) can connect to Zoom meetings.

All faculty, staff and students with an @middlebury.edu address have access to Zoom.  For more information on Zoom, please visit go/zoominfo, or, to sign-in and start using Zoom, visit go/zoom.  Questions about Zoom?  Please submit a Web Help Desk ticket.