From E4 Health: Resources for Resiliency

A healthy strategy any way you slice it:

When life hands you lemons… well, you know the rest. We can’t avoid adversity, but we can learn strategies to bounce back, and in some cases, to make the most of it. By becoming more resilient to setbacks, we increase our likelihood of eventual success. To make life’s challenges easier to swallow, let E4 Health provide professional counseling, daily living support resources, referrals, and information on these and other topics:

  • Recovering from setbacks
  • Dealing with life transitions
  • Managing stress, anxiety, and anger
  • Locating care providers for children, older adults, or pets during unplanned circumstances
  • Financial and legal matters
  • Effective communication
  • Adequate sleep and relaxation
  • Creating family and workplace harmony
  • Making time for yourself

E4 Health administers the College’s EFAP program.  To access their comprehensive web site, with many tools and articles, go to the e4health web site.
Username:  middlebury college
Password:    guest
Or call them at: 800-828-6025
(phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)