- a website for a course or a lab
- a video or other multimedia materials
- animated maps
- image databases
- online tutorials
- online quizzing and assessments
- animations
You can submit a project proposal for this summer by filling out this form. Because resources are more limited this summer, we will have an easier time evaluating your request if you can provide as much information about your project goals as possible.
While the tutor will work with you during the months of June, July and August, I’ll be in touch with you towards the end of the spring semester to set up an initial meeting and connect you with your student tutor if we have the capacity for your project. We look forward to hearing from you!
In order to match your project with a tutor, we need to hear from you by April 15th. If you would like to discuss your project in advance, feel free to reach out to me.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Heather Stafford – hstafford@middlebury.edu
Multimedia/Curricular Technologist