From MSA: January Financial Events and Tips to Start the New Year


Dealing With My Credit Cards (January 26th)

Credit cards can be a real pain. Find relief as you learn about and choose a strategy for managing your credit card debt. We’ll talk about communicating with your creditors, strategies for lowering your payments and fitting bills into your budget. We will also review the pros and cons of getting help through credit counseling, debt settlement and bankruptcy. After this presentation, you will be able to decide which strategy is best for you.



5 Money Habits To Quit In The New Year

We always make New Year’s resolutions, and they tend to be things we want to do, like exercise more. And we all know how that works out. Two weeks in, you get derailed. So, give yourself a break and, this year, create a list of resolutions you don’t want to do.To get you started, we’ve made a list of financial habits you’ll be glad to get rid of in the New Year because it’ll help you…


Take Action and Win!

You get the chance to win cool prizes when you engage in the financial wellness program, work with a Money Coach and attend classes.


Middlebury College provides access to website resources, financial events (see below) and 1:1 guidance with a personal Money Coach to help you transform your finances. Learn more at