Welcome to “Self-Service” Software Installation

ITS has been working on options for our customers to install licensed software on their college-owned computers using convenient, “self-service” methods that provide control over when the installations take place. (We are not licensed to provide software on personally owned computers, only college owned.)  To learn how this works on college Windows computers, please visit  KACE Self-Service information.  If you have a college Mac, visit Mac Self Service information for details.

Initially, we have made a few of our most commonly-requested Adobe products available through self-service for both Mac and Windows platforms, as well as the new Microsoft Office 2016.   We will be working to add software titles in the next few months.  Please note that not all software is purchased with licensing to be available for every computer on campus.

Self-service installations work best when you are here on campus using a wired (Ethernet) connection to our network.  Use of VPN or wireless connections may work but they will be much slower and are more likely to experience issues.

We are excited to offer this new service and want to hear about how it worked for you.  Feel free to share your feedback, questions, or concerns with our Technology Helpdesk.