MiddCORE Applications are Due Feb. 15

Did you know your college-age son or daughter or recent graduate is eligible to apply to MiddCORE this summer? They don’t have to attend Middlebury to go. 

MiddCORE is a 4-week summer program at Lake Tahoe for current college students and recent graduates from any institution who want to develop the SKILLS, EXPERIENCE, and CONFIDENCE to be successful in life and work. MiddCORE’s dates are June 11- July 9, 2016. Through an intensive daily schedule of small-group classes and mentor-led workshops, students develop skills in teamwork, innovation, trial-and-error exploration, networking, and practical problem solving. The program is highly collaborative and hands-on, and students work closely with each other and more than 40 mentors from the top leading fields and professions.

MENTORS are what make MiddCORE different. Every day students have access to professionals from today’s successful businesses and leaders such as:
+ Cofounder of Netflix, Marc Randolph
+ President and CEO of Peet’s Coffee, Dave Burwick
+ Managing Director at Google, Suzie Reider
+ Former Governor of Vermont, Jim Douglas
+ KPMG Global Life Sciences Associate Director, Kelly Briggs
+ Managing Director at JPMorgan Chase, Mary Pang
+ Co-Founder of Salesforce, Parker Harris

During MiddCORE, students participate in several STRATEGIC PARTNER CHALLENGES, working with peers to solve actual business problems posed by mentors. This past summer students worked with YouTube and Peet’s Coffee and non-profit enterprises iMatter and 826National. They also worked on their own INNOVATION CHALLENGE to develop a new product or service or a new way to address a social problem. Students who complete the course earn one course credit from Middlebury College equivalent to three credit hours.

Below you will find links to materials to better understand MiddCORE
+ Course book from last summer has an outline of the course, the skills students acquire, and a schedule of each day
+ Brochure gives a quick summary of the MiddCORE program
+ Impact Report shows how MiddCORE has influenced its graduates.

If your child is interested in applying, here are the details of the application process.  The next application round is due February 15.