The following applies to all members of the Middlebury College Health Plan, employees and dependents alike.
We are pleased to announce that our prescription plan has elected to cover flu vaccines at a $0 copay for employees enrolled in Middlebury College’s health insurance plan. To take advantage of this $0 copay program, employees can choose from any of the following options:
- Visit any of the Magellan Rx participating pharmacies and present your CBA Blue ID Card to receive the vaccine for a $0 co-pay.
- If you choose to visit a non-participating pharmacy, you can still receive the vaccine. You will be required to pay full cost at the time of administration; however, request an itemized receipt to submit the claim directly to CBA Blue for 100% reimbursement from the medical plan.
- Visit a Blue Cross/Blue Shield doctor. The doctor’s office will submit the claim directly to CBA Blue, and the claim will be paid 100% from the medical plan.
- If you choose to visit an out-of-network doctor, you can still receive the vaccine. You will be required to pay full cost at the time of administration; however, request an itemized receipt to submit the claim directly to CBA Blue for 100% reimbursement from the medical plan.
Due to the convenience and increased cost-effectiveness of the Magellan Rx plan, Middlebury College will not be hosting an on-site clinic for employees this year. We encourage you to take advantage of the $0 copay program today.
Please feel free to contact Lisa Hoff, Benefits Specialist, at or x3372 with any questions.