Staff Council Learning Lunches

Save the Date! Staff Council Learning Lunches

Professor Shalom Goldman, Pardon Tillinghast Professor of Religion, along with colleagues from the Religion department, will be offering three lectures this fall for staff. Spend an hour with us and learn more about different belief systems across the globe while increasing your religious literacy.

Join us on the following dates from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.:

October 21
Survey of  World Religions–Focus on the Monotheistic Traditions

Presented by Professor Shalom Goldman

November 18
Judaism Throughout the World and in the United States
Presented by Professor Shalom Goldman and colleagues

December 9
Islam Throughout the World and in the United States
Presented by Professor Shalom Goldman and colleagues

A light lunch will be served. More details will be coming soon, including instructions on how to RSVP.

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