New online library resources for 2015

Over November and December of last year, the library purchased access to a number of fascinating library resources:

  • Gale Virtual Reference Library – we now have access to everything in the Gale Virtual Reference Library that was published prior to August 2014.GVRL
  • Alexander Street Drama – loaded with information about theatrical productions and with full-text scripts for many (but not all) plays by a wide breadth of playwrights, Alexander Street Drama includes Black Drama, Asian-American Drama, Latino Drama, and more.asd
  • Kanopy Streaming – members of the Middlebury College Community can now watch films from Kanopy (“Netflix for colleges”). Our access to this uses a “Patron-Driven Acquisitions” model. A film in the collection can be watched by any authorized user (student, faculty, staff member) anywhere, anytime – just click this link. The fourth time a given film is viewed, a purchase will be “triggered” and we will have licensed access to that film for a year. Kanopy
  • American History in Video – a student requested that we trial this collection of newsreels, documentaries and other historical film works. Browse by event, person, place, and more. ASP_AHV
  • National Anti-Slavery Standard – still in pre-publication, this is a database of images and some full-text from the National Anti-Slavery Standard – the official weekly newspaper of the American Anti-Slavery Society. Founded in 1833 by William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan, the society sought to extend the rights of slaves across the country and implied not only suffrage rights for colored males, but also advocated suffrage for women.NASS
  • London Review of Books – by popular demand, we now have full access to current and past online content of the LRB! LRB
  • CQ Researcher Archive – we now have access to the full archive of CQ Researcher, going back to 1923. We’ve also filled in some gaps in our access to CQ Almanac, and added CQ’s Guides to U.S. Economic Policy, U.S. Environmental Policy, and U.S. Health & Healthcare Policy.
  • Coming Soon – Celebrity Studies, a new journal subscription