[:en]Where can companies go post the ideal LMM stage?[:]

[:en]In the Localization Maturity Model(LMM) released by the Common Sense Advisory, there are a total of nine stages or levels of localization maturity and most companies will have to proceed through four stages before reaching the ideal level. This can usefully serve as a guide for self assessment for companies which are going through localization phases. However the LMM doesn’t quite cover what a logical next step would be assuming a company has reached the ideal level.

If we follow the three key process areas that Donald outlined in his article Moving Beyond The Ad Hocracy of Localization, a possible logical next step would be as follows:

People: Companies can now provide more organized and systematic localization training so that both its new and senior localization staff can be equipped with the latest tools and knowledge necessary to ensure the highest localization standard possible. Transparent and well-implemented global governance which follow the best industry practices are kept being updated throughout the company.

Process: companies will go through regular localization process review to spot what can be further improved. More automation will be involved in this stage to improve efficiency. Meanwhile better integration can be anticipated in companies where localization process are highly incorporated into the companies routine practice.

Technology: Focus will shift to developing better and more specialized tools for translation and localization engineering. Translation management system can be better integrated with corporate’s existing systems.

Based on the above analysis, companies which go through the final stage to the next level can anticipate a highly advanced and sophiscated localization maturity which are led by professional localization expertise following a highly automated and systematic localization process with better tools utilized. That is probably the direction where companies can go during  post ideal stage.



Moving Beyond The Ad Hocracy of Localization, Donald. A Depalma

How life sciences companies can benefit from LMM, Rebecca Ray

How The Localization Maturity Model Can Make Your Organization More Streamlined, Francoise Henderson[:]