[:en]Corresponding to last article which envisions a possible step for companies post the ideal LMM stage, this article will adopt a vender perspective and see how could venders evangelize to get their clients to the next level. This article will also follow the people, process and technology criteria.
People: LSP will have more specialists in each area, for example, engineering, project management so as to cope with complex projects from clients.
Technology: LSP are more willing to buy in technologies and tools to facilitate localization activities. They can take in large-scale projects with multiple types of content.
Processes: Processes are better defined, with pretty much of the steps being automated. Workflows will be more tailored to suit clients’ needs. Possibly more client education will be involved in this stage for better collaboration.
Generally speaking, as vendors pass through the final stage, they will be better at helping their clients transit beyond stages. The relationship will also shift from a client-dominant one to a more collaborative and win-win one.
Maturity Levels for Localization Suppliers