ES Senior Seminar – Spring 2019

Welcome to ENVS 401. I look forward to working with you this spring as we consider the following:

What was the vision of a “beloved community” by civil rights leaders like Ella Baker, John Lewis, and Dr. Martin Luther King? How did that vision help to inspire Vermont’s (mostly white) back-to-the-land movement on the 1970s? How are Vermonters trying to build on those visions as they seek to create a more sustainable, more inclusive economy? In this section of ES401, we will address these and related questions in partnership with the “Vision for Vermont”  (VfV) community, a group of Vermont citizens who have begun a process of engaging their fellow Vermonters about how to build a better future in the state and beyond. Projects will include (1) interviewing these citizens, (2) interviewing other Vermonters and leaders elsewhere to help VfV connect to a diverse range of allies, and (3) providing material for the VfW to expand their reach and advance their vision. Readings in this course will include selections from the civil rights movement, the back-to-the-land movement, Naomi Klein, and one of George Lakey’s books.

We have a lot to do: reading, discussions, and community-based work on behalf of some inspiring Vermonters. We are lucky to have Diane Munroe in the co-pilot seat, helping to lead us along.  Onward!


My office hours during Spring Term 2019 are Tuesdays, 2:30 – 4:00, and Thursdays, 9:00 – 10:30, at the Franklin Environmental Center 119, where my number is 443 – 5761.