Team El Salvador

A Development Practicum of the Monterey Institute ::

Team El Salvador

Announcing Team Monterey 2010!

December 7, 2009 · No Comments · Uncategorized

We are proud to announce the Team Monterey El Salvador 2010 team!  Team Monterey El Salvador 2010 consists of:  Rocio Corona, Heidi Correa, Hilda Diaz, Chris Hanks, Ryan Gonzalez, Amy Holste, Lucy Jodlowska, Deborah Laureano Radilla, Sky Mehringer, Adele Negro, Alex Ogden, Elizabeth Romanoff, Pepper Spear-Cerda, Adam Stieglitz, Melissa Summers, Robert Taggart, and Andrew Volkman.

Team Monterey El Salvador 2010 at the team building workshop led by Daphne and Amelia Gulling

Team Monterey El Salvador 2010 at the team building workshop lead by Daphne and Amelia Gulling


Reporte de Situación No. 1 – Ida

November 16, 2009 · No Comments · Uncategorized


Como resultado de las fuertes lluvias provocadas por la tormenta tropical IDA (categoría 1) y el sistema de Baja Presión ubicado en el océano Pacífico al sur y sureste de El Salvador, se han reportado inundaciones, desbordamiento de ríos y deslaves. Las áreas más afectadas son los departamentos San Salvador, San Vicente, La Paz, La Libertad, Cuscatlan. Ha habido desbordamiento de los ríos Lempa, Grande de San Miguel, Goascoran, Jiboa y Rio Paz.

Según el tercer informe del Ministerio de Gobernación, a las 20:00, las autoridades nacionales se reportan: 124 personas fallecidas, 60 desaparecidas y 158 viviendas destruidas y 1402 viviendas dañada. Se han activado 56 albergues donde están atendiendo alrededor de 10,400 personas. Se han contabilizado 2,333 evacuaciones con ayuda de las fuerzas armadas y la Policía Nacional Civil. Se han contabilizado 18 escuelas dañadas.

Se mantiene la Alerta Verde en todo el territorio y la alerta Naranja ha sido declarado en 5 departamentos: San Salvador, San Vicente, La Paz, La Libertad, Cuscatlan. Espera la presencia de lluvias intermitentes sobre todo el territorio nacional con moderada a fuerte intensidad con énfasis en el sector costero y cadena volcánica del país, donde se prevén lluvias más persistentes y de mayor intensidad.

Reporte de situación No. 1 / UNCT /El Salvador


Wordle Visualization of Jan 2009 Report

November 12, 2009 · No Comments · Uncategorized is a great visualization tool for taking large chunks of text (like our 153 page report!) to create stunning word clouds.  The frequency is demonstrated by the size of the word in the word cloud. Click on the image below to open this visualization in a new window. es una herramienta visual para visualizar grandes cuerpos de texto (como nuestro reportaje de 153 páginas) para la creación de soberbios nubes de palabras.  La frecuencia de la palabra corresponde con el tamaño de la palabra en el nube.  Haz clic en el imagen hacia abajo para ver la visualización.

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Credit Options

November 7, 2009 · No Comments · updates

A message for Team Monterey El Salvador 2010 participants:

Here is the information regarding registering for the appropriate courses to receive either language or elective credits, or both.

For four spanish language credits, you will need to register for the following course:

20055 SPLA 8383 A Spanish Online / El Salvador 4 ONLINE Negro, A 04-JAN-10 29-JAN-10

For four elective credits, you will need to register for the following course:

20125 IPOL 8539 A Devel Practicum in El Salvador Negro, A 04-JAN-10 29-JAN-10


Update: Meeting with MIIS Alum Nathan Weller and EWB

October 28, 2009 · No Comments · projects, updates

Adele Negro and I had the opportunity to meet with Nathan Weller, a graduate of the IEP program and former Team Monterey El Salvador leader, at the Foundation for Self-Sufficiency of Central America’s (FSSCA) office in Oakland, CA on Monday.  Nathan has been working as a Policy Consultant in the Environment and Agriculture Program of the FSSCA since his graduation from MIIS in 2008.  Jim Chamberlain, the director of the Clemson University chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) was also present at the meeting as we worked to identify areas of collaboration between the two teams.  The details are being worked out but the possibilities are very exciting!

One of the tentative projects that members of Equipo Monterey will likely work on in January 2010, is assisting in building the capacity of the Asociación Mangle working board.  Nathan provided this “organigrama” to us which will help us survey the organizational landscape of LC-AM in the coming months.  Please stay posted as we work to further develop and finalize the projects will be working on in January of 2010!

La Coordinadora


Applications due Friday, Oct 9th @ 5:00pm!!

October 3, 2009 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Just a reminder that Team Monterey El Salvador applications are due Friday Oct 9th at 5pm.  Don’t forget to send your resume or CV to  Gracias!!



Publication from Mangle and ICMARES

September 26, 2009 · No Comments · Uncategorized

After our preliminary planning trip in July of 2009, our partner organization provided us with some very comprehensive documents detailing different demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of communities in which the practicum works.

The Diagnóstico Socioeconómico de ocho Comunidades del Sector Occidental de la Bahía de Jiquilisco is a very comprehensive documenting detailing the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of select communities of the Bajo Lempa.  This document will be a valuable resource for the projects that Team Monterey El Salvador completes in January of 2010.

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Find publication here.

Citation:  Rivera, C. G. 2009.  Diágnostico socio-económico de ocho Comunidades del Sector Occidental de la Bahía de Jiquilisco, Departamento de Usulután.  Proyecto Académico Especial Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología de El Salvador (ICMARES), Universidad de El Salvador – Asociación Local Mangle para la mitigación de desatres y el Desarrollo del Bajo Lempa y Bahía de Jiquilisco.  San Sanlvador, El Salvador. 59 pp.


We are now accepting applications for the 2010 team!

September 14, 2009 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Apply now!

The Team Monterey El Salvador 2010 leadership is proud to announce that we are now accepting applications for practicum participation!  Please click the “Application” tab on the top header of this page (or click here for the direct link) to view important information and access the link to the application.  We are experimenting with an electronic application submission system that is powered by Google documents!

Key dates:

  1. Application deadline:  Friday, October 9th at 5:00pm sharp!
  2. Interview for short listed candidates:  Weeks of October 12th and 19th
  3. Notification and Team finalization:  Monday November 5th, 2009 at 5:00pm via e-mail


Mark your calendars! Team Monterey El Salvador 2010 Informational Sessions!

September 12, 2009 · No Comments · contacts, events, updates

We are pleased to announce that two Team Monterey El Salvador 2010 Informational Sessions have been scheduled! These Info Sessions will provide a great opportunity for prospective team members to come and learn more about the history of Team Monterey El Salvador, La Coordinadora-Asociación Mangle, the communities of the Bajo Lempa in which we work, program deliverables, project scope and strategy, and the application process and timelines moving forward.

We welcome all who are interested in being a part of this dynamic experience. Please bring your questions and inquiries and we will do our best to address them all. Light snacks and refreshments will also be provided.

Info Session #1: Wednesday, September 16th 6-7pm MG102

Info Session #2: Tuesday, September 22nd 12-1pm B104

As always, please contact us at should you have any specific questions. We look forward to seeing you over the next few weeks!

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Team Monterey El Salvador to sponsor first Happy Hour!

September 1, 2009 · No Comments · events

The Team Monterey leadership is hoping that everyone had a great summer and that the transition to classes has been a smooth one!  Please make sure to come out and enjoy the first happy hour of the year this Friday, September 4th from 5 pm to 7 pm in the Our Green Thumb community garden across the street from the President’s office and right next to the Morse building.

Amy Holste, Lucy Jodlowska, Robert Taggart, Ryan Gonzalez (the student leadership team) and Adele Negro (Program Director and Language Faculty) will be available to answer questions about Team Monterey and getting involved.  Team Monterey extends a big thank you to Greg Freeman, the Student Council president and the Student Affairs office for the opportunity to host this event.

Bring your dancing shoes and be prepared to have a great time as Team Monterey brings you music from Latin America including cumbias, gaitas, guarachas, son cubano, and more!
