Team El Salvador

A Development Practicum of the Monterey Institute ::

Team El Salvador


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Team Monterey?

Team Monterey is a 4-week intensive professional experience in which students from the Monterey Institute of International Studies travel to the Bajo Lempa region of El Salvador to engage in development work. (3 weeks are spent on the ground in El Salvador and 1 week is spent debriefing upon return to Monterey.)

Can everyone who wants to participate in Team Monterey partipate?

All prospective Team members must undergo an application and interview process.  Portions of the written application and the 30-minute interviews will be conducted in Spanish.  A writing brief writing sample may also be requested.  Due to program capacity there is limited space available.

What is the language requirement for Team Monterey?

Because of the demands of the practicum work, all team members must be at least at the intermediate Spanish level (high 300 to 400 level) unless there is an exceptional combination of skills that would compensate for a lower level of Spanish competence.

What is the cost of participation?

Team Monterey is a self-paid experience.  The cost of attendance is approximately $2,000.  This fee includes room and board in Ciudad Romero + Airfare.  Participants should budget an additional $100-200 for personal expenses incurred during weekend trips.

Can I get academic credit for participating in Team Monterey?

Participants may receive up to 8 units of credit.  This credit must be split into a maximum of 4 Spanish language credits which would go toward fulfilling second language requirements and 4 elective credits. (Students choosing to receive Spanish credit may choose between 2-4 credits, depending on the deliverables they negotiate with the head of the Spanish Department, Professor Pablo Oliva.)

How are projects chosen?

The leadership team consults with La Coordinadora – Asociación Mangle, our Salvadoran partner organization,  to develop and define projects based on the strategic plans of their organization.  Project areas include environmental protection, micro-business, youth education, sustainable agriculture, organizational capacity building and more.

Please e-mail us at if you have additional questions!

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