Team El Salvador

A Development Practicum of the Monterey Institute ::

Team El Salvador

Entries Tagged as 'projects'

Environmental Project Update: Trabajando con Las Tortugas Marinas

January 14, 2010 · No Comments · conservation, environment, projects, updates

Bustling crowds and the undulating chatter of negotiation and commerce surrounded us as we wound our way through the local city markets of Usulután and Zacatecoluca.  Passing local stalls overflowing with fresh fruit, produce, meat, herbs, school supplies, clothing, makeup, hardware, and more…it quickly became apparent that the markets are an exhaustive resource of organized […]



Update: Meeting with MIIS Alum Nathan Weller and EWB

October 28, 2009 · No Comments · projects, updates

Adele Negro and I had the opportunity to meet with Nathan Weller, a graduate of the IEP program and former Team Monterey El Salvador leader, at the Foundation for Self-Sufficiency of Central America’s (FSSCA) office in Oakland, CA on Monday.  Nathan has been working as a Policy Consultant in the Environment and Agriculture Program of […]



Team Monterey El Salvador in High-Def!

August 25, 2009 · No Comments · conservation, development, education, environment, fundraising, projects

The following video provides a cinematic overview of the Team Monterey experience from January of 2009.  This footage was captured in January of 2009 and edited with generous support from the MIIS Digital Media Commons and the Office of Institutional Advancement.  As a featured student media project, this trailer made its debut during the spring […]

