Team El Salvador

A Development Practicum of the Monterey Institute ::

Team El Salvador


Team Monterey Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

Team Monterey provides a professional, international opportunity for MIIS students to hone development skills and enhance language and multicultural competency by developing and nurturing a partnership with La Coordinadora through ongoing projects aligned with its strategic objectives. A continued relationship between the two organizations will offer invaluable practical experience for burgeoning young development professionals and linguists, while assuring sustained benefit to La Coordinadora and its constituents through project elaboration, capacity building and cross cultural integration.

La Misión y La Visión

El Equipo Monterey proporciona una oportunidad profesional e internacional a los estudiantes del Instituto de Monterey para profundizar sus conocimientos en desarrollo sostenible y fortalecer su competencia lingüística y multicultural, creando una colaboración con La Coordinadora por medio de proyectos que avancen sus objetivos estratégicos. Una relación que se fomente entre las dos organizaciones les ofrecerá a los profesionales y lingüistas en formación una experiencia práctica e invalorable. Al mismo tiempo, asegurará a La Coordinadora y a sus integrantes el beneficio a largo plazo que se espera resulte de los proyectos elaborados, del fortalecimiento de capacidades, y de la integración cultural.

2011 Equipo Monterey Leadership

Adele Negro


Program Director and Language Faculty

Hometown:  Brooklyn, NY

Education:  MA in Conference Interpretation, MIIS, 1998; Certificate of Studies, Ecole des Sciences Politiques, Paris, France, 1969; BA in French language and literature, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1968; extended residence and work abroad (France, Chile, Argentina, East Africa)

Profession:  Adjunct Faculty in GSTILE, Court and Conference Interpreter, US State Department Translator (freelance), United Nations Interpreter (freelance), Private-sector interpreter and translator (English, Spanish, French, Italian)

Interests:  literature, poetry and music; further language-learning, travel to sites unknown and return to places remembered; nature by the sea and in the mountains, the eastern side of the Sierras, photography, weaving, watercoloring, pen-and-ink drawing, writing; cooking for friends and family; family life; sustainable culture

Emily Hanks

Logistics Coordinator

Hometown: Kingsport, Tennessee

Education: MPA with a focus on development and Latin America

Prior to MIIS: Before coming to MIIS Emily was working at the Avon Foundation as a Fundraiser and Spanish Specialist in Washington, DC. She transitioned into the Avon Foundation from a two year stint in the Peace Corps – Peru where she worked in Youth and Community Development.

Interests: Emily loves being outdoors, traveling, learning languages and reading. This summer she raised money and biked in a MS Ride. Being from Tennessee, she also frequents bluegrass and country music venues, but she also loves salsa dancing and Los Bacilos. Her free time during school mainly goes to yoga, hiking, kayaking, etc.

Melissa Summers

Communications and Outreach Coordinator (2010 participant)

Hometown: Eugene, Oregon

Education: Candidate IPS Development 2011. BA Sociology and English Literature, with a minor in Spanish and a second language teaching certificate.

Prior to MIIS:  Melissa has worked a variety of jobs. Immediately before coming to MIIS she was working in a community college in Oregon, before which she spent two years teaching English in Japan to high schoolers and cram school students while working as an editor on an educational magazine .

Interests:  Melissa loves eating and cooking, traveling and learning, music, movies, reading anything that sounds interesting, bookbinding, writing, hiking, the ocean, the mountains, yoga, sustainable living, the potential of hybrid organizations in development.

Karin Orr

Training and Orientation Coordinator

Hometown: San Francisco, California

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies, Masters Candidate in International Policy, Conflict Resolution

Prior to MIIS: Worked for human rights organizations Global Exchange and Human Rights Watch

Interests: Conflict resolution, social justice work, art, dance, sewing, cooking, music, Spanish/Italian language.

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