Team El Salvador

A Development Practicum of the Monterey Institute ::

Team El Salvador

Update: Meeting with MIIS Alum Nathan Weller and EWB

October 28, 2009 · No Comments · projects, updates

Adele Negro and I had the opportunity to meet with Nathan Weller, a graduate of the IEP program and former Team Monterey El Salvador leader, at the Foundation for Self-Sufficiency of Central America’s (FSSCA) office in Oakland, CA on Monday.  Nathan has been working as a Policy Consultant in the Environment and Agriculture Program of the FSSCA since his graduation from MIIS in 2008.  Jim Chamberlain, the director of the Clemson University chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) was also present at the meeting as we worked to identify areas of collaboration between the two teams.  The details are being worked out but the possibilities are very exciting!

One of the tentative projects that members of Equipo Monterey will likely work on in January 2010, is assisting in building the capacity of the Asociación Mangle working board.  Nathan provided this “organigrama” to us which will help us survey the organizational landscape of LC-AM in the coming months.  Please stay posted as we work to further develop and finalize the projects will be working on in January of 2010!

La Coordinadora


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