Team El Salvador

A Development Practicum of the Monterey Institute ::

Team El Salvador

Publication from Mangle and ICMARES

September 26, 2009 · No Comments · Uncategorized

After our preliminary planning trip in July of 2009, our partner organization provided us with some very comprehensive documents detailing different demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of communities in which the practicum works.

The Diagnóstico Socioeconómico de ocho Comunidades del Sector Occidental de la Bahía de Jiquilisco is a very comprehensive documenting detailing the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of select communities of the Bajo Lempa.  This document will be a valuable resource for the projects that Team Monterey El Salvador completes in January of 2010.

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Find publication here.

Citation:  Rivera, C. G. 2009.  Diágnostico socio-económico de ocho Comunidades del Sector Occidental de la Bahía de Jiquilisco, Departamento de Usulután.  Proyecto Académico Especial Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología de El Salvador (ICMARES), Universidad de El Salvador – Asociación Local Mangle para la mitigación de desatres y el Desarrollo del Bajo Lempa y Bahía de Jiquilisco.  San Sanlvador, El Salvador. 59 pp.

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