Team El Salvador

A Development Practicum of the Monterey Institute ::

Team El Salvador

Wrapping up and reporting back

February 3, 2011 · No Comments · Uncategorized

We arrived back in Monterey on January 22nd tired, hungry, dirty and content. The final week in El Salvador was busy as our teams worked to finish up the projects and present our findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors. Each project team finished up our work on the ground with a presentation to the organization about what we did during the three weeks and what sort of follow-up work we recommend to continue the projects that were started. At this presentation we also gave each Program Director at Asociación Mangle a brief preliminary report that summarizes our objectives, methodology, findings and recommendations. This preliminary report will be supplemented with a comprehensive full-length final report which each team is currently in the process of writing.

The reports we write upon our return from El Salvador are translated to Spanish and sent back to Asociación Mangle for their use. The organization uses these reports to seek further funding for their projects so that they may continue to expand their programs and bring services to more people. This year we had the pleasure of meeting two new employees on the potable water project whose employment was made by possible due to funding Asociación Mangle received as a result of the project report completed by Team Monterey 4’s Infrastructure Team. It was exciting to learn about how our project work has impacted the organization and to see exactly how our reports are put to use.

The project teams will be working hard in the coming weeks to complete this year’s reports on the work we carried out during those three very busy weeks in El Salvador. We will be preparing a presentation to share more about our work and experiences with students who are curious about our Team Monterey El Salvador and interested in J-Term opportunities. If you would like to learn more, please feel free to email us at:

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