Team El Salvador

A Development Practicum of the Monterey Institute ::

Team El Salvador

Capacity Development Project Update: Día 9

January 13, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Update from Capacity Development Project in El Salvador!

Our small but very hardworking group (2 man team J) has managed to successfully conduct a thorough needs assessment of the Junta Directiva (aka: Working Board of Directors) capacity, especial in respect to their administrative functions.  First off, the purpose of this project is to build the capacity of the Junta Directive, therefore we proceeded to first conduct a needs assessment.

This past week and till now we have finalized the collection of qualitative data through surveys and interviews of both the members of the Junta Directiva and Full time staff.  A lot has been learned and clarified as far as the logic of the Organization operations and how it communicates, along with what constitutes the actually administrative functions being implemented, and most importantly their administrative needs.  The process of collecting this data was a very gratifying and memorable experience that is sure to strengthen the bonds and relationships Team Monterey has with La Asociación Mangle/La Coordinadora.

The following are the diagrams (created via CMAP) that were created through the participatory interactions with the Junta Directiva and Staff:

Diagram of Mangles Administrative Functions

Diagram of Mangle's Administrative Functions

La Asociación Mangle Organizacional Structure:

Before and After (3 stages):


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