Team El Salvador

A Development Practicum of the Monterey Institute ::

Team El Salvador

Entries from January 28, 2010

La Semilla

January 28, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Todo lo que hemos hecho en estas tres semanas equivale a una cosa pequeña. Todo el sudor, las lágrimas, las largas horas de trabajo durante la noche y la angustia equivalen a una pequeña semilla en un desierto seco. Pero esta semilla no será abandonada al vivir o morir por la suerte. Esta semilla va […]



Infrastructure group – the impact of potable water

January 19, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 After a dynamic two weeks of intense work, our four teams have started our third and final week of work in El Salvador. Wrapping up interviews with program administrators, local clinics, and our comprehensive community surveys, the Infrastructure team has started the initial analysis of our findings. Backtracking to the beginning […]



Environmental Project Update: Trabajando con Las Tortugas Marinas

January 14, 2010 · No Comments · conservation, environment, projects, updates

Bustling crowds and the undulating chatter of negotiation and commerce surrounded us as we wound our way through the local city markets of Usulután and Zacatecoluca.  Passing local stalls overflowing with fresh fruit, produce, meat, herbs, school supplies, clothing, makeup, hardware, and more…it quickly became apparent that the markets are an exhaustive resource of organized […]



Capacity Development Project Update: Día 9

January 13, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Update from Capacity Development Project in El Salvador! Our small but very hardworking group (2 man team J) has managed to successfully conduct a thorough needs assessment of the Junta Directiva (aka: Working Board of Directors) capacity, especial in respect to their administrative functions.  First off, the purpose of this project is to build the […]



Our First Friday

January 8, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Well, it’s Friday.  Everyone is really excited for our first weekend excursion to Suchitoto.  I personally don’t know much about the town, but I do know that we have to leave early to be able to arrive by 10:00 am for a meeting with Sister Peggy.  From what I gather she is a very colorful […]



Production Team Update

January 8, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

What a week it has been here in the Bajo Lempa.  The Production Team has had its ups and downs in regards to our project proposal, but today we had a breakthrough.  Yesterday, January 6th, we created a project proposal that we had submitted to Juan Luna, the coordinator of the expansive Production Program, for […]



Saludos desde el Bajo Lempa!

January 3, 2010 · No Comments · updates

First and foremost, Team Monterey El Salvador wishes you all a very happy feliz año nuevo!  We write you a big “saludo” from Ciudad Romero in El Salvador! We are happy to report that we have arrived safe and sound and were greeted by long-term volunteer Jillian Baker and David Marroquín of Asociación Mangle at Comalapa […]

