© 2014 Cody Cintron

Kill Bill



I read three reviews on Kill Bill:

The Guardian, The New York Times and Roger Ebert.

From what i’ve read i should be expecting to see an over the top action movie with hints of western and asian influence. The scenes should be gory and i should be on the edge of my seat the entire time. I can’t wait to watch this film.

Two and a half hours later…

I am quite disappointed by this film. The film opens with a scene of the bride fighting Vernita green. At first i tried to sympathize with scene justifying it with things like, “She’s claiming her revenge for the death of her murdered child”, but all in all the scene reads more like two soccer moms having a brawl in a living room. The overly dramatic scenes paired with almost comically dramatic music made this film more of a huge joke for me. I was bored for most of the movie, only some what amused by the fight scenes. The plot however seems non-relatable, and i had a hard time staying interested in our “hero’s” cause. Perhaps the reviews i read gave me high expectations, but Kill Bill was not what the reviews cracked it up to be.

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