Tag Archives: Monterey Symphony

MIIS to Host the Monterey Symphony

Thursday May 1, 2014 7:30 PM
The Monterey Symphony

and the
eMIISsaries of the Monterey Institute of International Studies
proudly present 
An Evening of the French Masters
featuring Christina Mok, violin & artists of the Monterey Symphony

Irvine Auditorium MIIS
Pre-concert lecture by Dr. Todd Samra at 7:00 PM
General Admission $25: Call the Symphony Box Office at 831.646.8511 or visit www.montereysymphony.org/special-events

Monterey Symphony at MIIS May 1French Masters at MIISAdditional Upcoming Performances:
SPLENDOR May 16,17,18
featuring the Brahms Double Concerto for Violin & Cello
Sherwood Hall & Sunset Center
Don’t miss the final concert of our Season of Discovery
Visit montereysymphony.org to learn more