Tag Archives: Film Screenings

MIIS Hosts Carmel Jewish Film Festival Finale Screening ‘The Attack’

JEWISH-FILM-FEST-TIX-copyOn Sunday March 9th, the Monterey Institute is thrilled to host the finale event of the Carmel Jewish Film Festival. The film “The Attack” will be screened with an expert panel discussion following, featuring key MIIS faculty members. Faculty panelists from MIIS include Dr. Beryl Levinger, Dr. Avner CohenBrigadier General (Ret.) Russ Howard,  and Dr. Nuket Kardem and Provost Dr. Amy Sands will be the panel moderator.

Join the Monterey Institute and greater community at 6:30pm on Sunday March 9th for the Reception, Film Screening, and Panel Discussion.

Visit the Film Festival’s website for tickets!

Spring Semester Offerings for Our eMIISsaries

Steve Baker

“Red Garden”, Painting by President Emeritus Steven Baker

For Monterey Institute students, the arrival of spring means a new cohort of peer connections, fresh perspectives from January-term travels, and that hopeful eagerness surrounding commencement, job interviews, and turning theory into practice.

For eMIISsaries and the Monterey community, this spring brings an array of campus events, lectures, and engagement opportunities we’re pleased to extend to you. Here is a sampling of our spring season offerings:


MIIS will host the film, ‘The Attack’, on March 9th

March 9th  –  The Monterey Institute will host the finale event of the Carmel Jewish Film Festival. The film “The Attack” will be screened with an expert panel discussion following, featuring key MIIS faculty members. Visit their website for tickets.

steve amnesty int'l

Steve Hawkins, Executive Director, Amnesty International

April 11th  –  Human Rights Fair keynote speaker, Steve Hawkins, Executive Director of Amnesty International. Details to follow.

Monterey Symphony

Monterey Symphony Orchestra

May 1st  –  Inaugural Chamber Music Concert with the Monterey Symphony Orchestra, hosted by the Monterey Institute in the Irvine Auditorium. Details to follow.

The New Year Sampler – Save These Dates!


The attack jpeg

Followed by a MIIS faculty expert panel discussion

March 9 – Finale event of the Carmel Jewish Film Festival. The film “The Attack” will be screened with an expert panel discussion following, featuring key MIIS faculty members.

steve amnesty int'l

Steve Hawkins, Executive Director, Amnesty International

April 11 – Human Rights Fair keynote speaker, Steve Hawkins, Executive Director of Amnesty International.  

Korean Film Screening ‘Dancing Queen’

Dancing QueenWHEN: Saturday April 20, 2:30 pm

WHERE: Monterey Institute Campus, McGowan 100

As part of the MIIS International Bazaar, the second-year Korean Translation and Interpretation students will be presenting the film “Dancing Queen”. The students have been subtitling the film as part of their translation projects, and are thrilled to present their work to the eMIISsaries, the MIIS community, and the public.

MIIS’s Translation and Interpretation students are recognized worldwide for their exemplary professionalism and international, cross-cultural experiences. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate these students and show support for the work that they do.


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Tierra de Agua Documentary Screening

Tierra de Agua

Friday, April 19th 6:00 – 7:30 pm – Irvine Auditorium

Join us for the First Cut Preview of the long-awaited Tierra de Agua Documentary followed by Q&A with fellow student filmmakers!

Tierra de Agua tells the story of resilient people and their remarkable struggle for their right to have clean water in Nicaragua, which is paradoxically one of the most water-rich countries in the world. Watch the trailer on Vimeo.

The film project was initiated and led by H2Nica, a partnership formed by three MPA graduate students from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, Manuel Martinez, Richard Hansen and Cristina Lopez, and a volunteer production team in Spain.

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