Tag Archives: Events

MIIS Students Innovate Around Monterey County Water Issues

miis_community_innovation_challengeLast week, MIIS hosted the Finals of the Monterey Community Innovation Challenge. Close to 40 students from the Monterey Institute and several from California State University Monterey Bay jumped at the opportunity to participate in the first challenge, “Nor Any Drop to Drink,” focused on finding innovative solutions to Monterey County’s water issues. 

The winning team consisted of five Monterey Institute students from the International Environmental Policy degree program: Matthew Nichols (MAIEP ’14), Emily Cluff (MAIEP ’14), Nereyda Montaño (MAIEP ’14), Nate Maynard (MAIEP ’14) and Malcolm Johnson (MAIEP ’14). In their view, Monterey County’s water problem, like most fresh water issues, amounts largely to a problem of communication.

The main goal of the group’s proposal is to achieve communication, collaboration, and coordination via the creation of a community-based organization called the Water Science Trust (WST).

Read more at the MIIS Newsroom

TEDx Monterey Tickets on Sale Now!

TedXAs a member of our local TEDxMonterey community, we are excited to let you know that tickets for our April 26, 2014 daylong event, TEDxMonterey “Edges” will go on sale beginning today, March 12, 2014 at noon. Our fifth annual TEDxMonterey event will be held once again in the Irvine Auditorium on the campus of the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

This years event will bring together a diverse line-up of of presenters whose life’s work, stories, research, talent, insight and experience will throw into sharp relief this year’s theme: Edges.

TEDxMonterey is excited to open our ticket sales today, Wednesday, March 12 beginning at 12:00pm (noon) Pacific time. 

Preview of Our Speakers & Performers
TEDxMonterey organizers have selected a series of presenters to illuminate this year’s theme and we are happy to share with you some of the speakers and performers we are working with:

  • Captain Wayne Porter, USN
  • Blue Whale Scientist and Sr. TED Fellow, Asha de Vos
  • Biologist and Writer, Sheril Kirshenbaum
  • Wearable Tech Developers, Kwame Ferreira and Christoph Dressell
  • Psychologist and Infant Speech Researcher, Anne Fernald
  • Salinas Youth Poet Laureate, Mikey Frias
  • Author, Katrina Alcorn
  • Happy Life Expert, Betty Sproule
  • Freelance Writer, Brad Herzog
  • Psychotherapist and Advice Columnist, Carl Alasko
  • and more to be announced…!

Learn more at tedxmonterey.org, and we hope to see you there!

Renowned Pianist Kun Woo Paik in Salinas with the Monterey Symphony

Kun Woo PaikThe Monterey Institute and the Monterey Symphony are pleased to extend a special invitation to eMIISsaries to attend the February Innovation performance, featuring world renowned pianist, Kun Woo Paik, on Friday February 21st at 7:30 p.m..

Held at the newly renovated Steinbeck Institute of Art and Culture (formerly Sherwood Hall), this performance is a unique opportunity for eMIISsaries, as MIIS ambassadors, to experience a fresh side of Salinas.

As part of the Monterey Institute community, eMIISsaries can purchase discounted tickets for $5 to the Friday evening performance in Salinas. All tickets need to be purchased in advance by calling the Monterey Symphony box office directly at (831) 646-8511. We hope to see you there!

Kun Woo Paik lives in Paris, and serves as the Artistic Director of the  Festival International de Musique de Dinard. Paik played his first piano concert at the age of 10 with the Korean National Orchestra, studied in New York and London from the age of 15, and became an international sensation following performances in 1974 at Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall.  He has performed with the world’s most celebrated orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic, St Petersburg Philharmonic, London Symphony, BBC Symphony, Orchestre de Paris, Berlin Symphony, Hungarian National, Oslo Philharmonic, Rotterdam and the Warsaw Philharmonic. The Monterey Symphony is honored to welcome him to the Peninsula, and to inaugurate the newly revitalized Steinbeck Institute of Art and Culture. Watch Kun Woo Paik play Chopin, Vals Op. 64 n. 2.

The Steinbeck Institute of Art and Culture
(formerly Sherwood Hall) in Salinas
Friday February 21st at 7:30 p.m.

Additional Performances at the Sunset Center in Carmel
Saturday February 22nd at 8:00 p.m.
Sunday February 23rd at 3:00 p.m.

Spring Semester Offerings for Our eMIISsaries

Steve Baker

“Red Garden”, Painting by President Emeritus Steven Baker

For Monterey Institute students, the arrival of spring means a new cohort of peer connections, fresh perspectives from January-term travels, and that hopeful eagerness surrounding commencement, job interviews, and turning theory into practice.

For eMIISsaries and the Monterey community, this spring brings an array of campus events, lectures, and engagement opportunities we’re pleased to extend to you. Here is a sampling of our spring season offerings:


MIIS will host the film, ‘The Attack’, on March 9th

March 9th  –  The Monterey Institute will host the finale event of the Carmel Jewish Film Festival. The film “The Attack” will be screened with an expert panel discussion following, featuring key MIIS faculty members. Visit their website for tickets.

steve amnesty int'l

Steve Hawkins, Executive Director, Amnesty International

April 11th  –  Human Rights Fair keynote speaker, Steve Hawkins, Executive Director of Amnesty International. Details to follow.

Monterey Symphony

Monterey Symphony Orchestra

May 1st  –  Inaugural Chamber Music Concert with the Monterey Symphony Orchestra, hosted by the Monterey Institute in the Irvine Auditorium. Details to follow.

The New Year Sampler – Save These Dates!


The attack jpeg

Followed by a MIIS faculty expert panel discussion

March 9 – Finale event of the Carmel Jewish Film Festival. The film “The Attack” will be screened with an expert panel discussion following, featuring key MIIS faculty members.

steve amnesty int'l

Steve Hawkins, Executive Director, Amnesty International

April 11 – Human Rights Fair keynote speaker, Steve Hawkins, Executive Director of Amnesty International.  

TEDx MontereyWomen

TEDxWomenThe Monterey Institute community is thrilled to invite the eMIISsaries to join us for TEDxMontereyWomen on December 6th. The event includes screenings of TEDWomen talks from around the globe, as well as local speakers presenting enlightening perspectives on women and women’s issues. Local speakers include Paulette Lynch with  “Art is the Answer”, and Tonya Antle, with a talk entitled, “Why Stop Here?”.  Connect with community members and Monterey Institute students around these energizing topics. Join us on Friday December 6th, from 4:30 to 7:00 pm in the Irvine Auditorium, 499 Pierce Street, Monterey Institute of International Studies. Tickets are sold in advance online at www.tedxmonterey.org ($10 students, $20 adults). We look forward to seeing you there!


Marine Policy Speaker Series

Tuesday November 5th,palaureefs 6:00 – 7:30pm
McGowan 102

Monterey Institute of International Studies

Join the MIIS community Tuesday, November 5th to learn about scaling up coral reef conservation efforts in Micronesia. Guest speaker Chris LaFranchi is the director of OneReef, a Santa Cruz-based organization connecting local Micronesian communities with coral reef investors to reverse coral reef decline across the region. Over 500 million people directly depend on healthy reefs, and OneReef brings together diverse stakeholders in the Pacific Island region to address over-fishing, pollution, climate change, and reef degradation. Read a recent Bloomberg piece on OneReef’s work in Palau.

Dr. Aleksei Vsevolodovich Malashenko

MalashenkoThursday November 7, 12:15 pm – Irvine Auditorium
Monterey Institute of International Studies
Dr. Aleksei Malashenko is the co-chair of the Carnegie Moscow Center’s Religion, Society, and Security Program.
Dr. Malashenko also taught at the Higher School of Economics from 2007 to 2008 and was a professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations from 2000 to 2006. From 1976 to 1982 and again from 1986 to 2001, Malashenko worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences as a research fellow, head of the Islamic Department, and finally as senior associate. In 1990, he was also a visiting professor at Colgate University in New York. From 1982 to 1986, he was editor of the journal Problems of Peace and Socialism.
Dr. Malashenko is a professor of political science as well as a member of the RIA Novosti advisory council. He serves on the editorial boards of the journals Central Asia and the Caucasus and ActaEurasica and the newsletter Russia and the Muslim World and is a board member of the International Federation for Peace and Conciliation.
Dr. Malashenko is the author and editor of about twenty books in Russian, English, French, and Arabic, including: Islam in Central Asia (Garnet Publishing, 1994), Russia’s Restless Frontier (with Dmitri Trenin; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2004), The Islamic Alternative and the Islamist Project (Carnegie Moscow Center and Ves Mir, 2006), Russia and Islam (Carnegie Moscow Center and ROSSPEN, 2007), and My Islam (ROSSPEN, 2010).

Dianne Barker Harrold

dianne_barker_harrold_07302013_005The Monterey Institute’s Center for Conflict Studies (CCS) is excited to announce that Dianne Barker Harrold will be the keynote speaker for November’s conference on Understanding Justice in Conflicts. Harrold has practiced law for 26 years, mostly in Indian Country in Oklahoma. She served as tribal judge for thirteen Indian tribes in Oklahoma and as the first female Native American District Attorney in the state of Oklahoma, among numerous other positions. She is currently the attorney for the Tribal Council of the Cherokee Nation and the Resource Delivery Coordinator for Unified Solutions Tribal Community Development Group, Inc., in Tempe, Arizona.

Harrold is one of the founders of Oklahoma’s Help-In-Crisis domestic violence shelter, which for 33 years has served victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Her tireless advocacy for battered women and victims of crime has earned her a number of prestigious awards and titles. She is currently the Native American/Victim Representative for the State Victims of Crime Assistance (VOCA) Board for Oklahoma.

CCSAn enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, Harrold is also an independent consultant and frequently speaks around the country, training tribal prosecutors and law enforcement, victims’ advocates, child welfare workers, and service providers in the areas of child abuse, victim advocacy, domestic violence, sexual assault, and other related topics. In April of this year, United States Attorney General Eric Holder presented Harrold with the 2013 National Crime Victim Service Award for her long-term work with crime victims.

CCS looks forward to welcoming Harrold at the conference and learning from her incredible body of work, and extends a warm invitation to all eMIISsaries to join.

Marine Policy Speaker Series


Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at 3.37.44 PMJoin the Center for the Blue Economy at the Monterey Institute in welcoming guest experts passionate about marine policy and environmental economics. We are thrilled to extend an invitation to the eMIISsaries to attend the following upcoming speaker events:

Our Changing Relationship to the Sea: Technology, Economy, Vision
Thursday, September 26, 2013, 6 – 7:30pm
McGowan MG102
Join us for a talk from Charles Colgan (Chair of the Community Planning and Development Program, University of Southern Maine; Lead market economist, NOEP)

New Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism and Surfonomics
Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 6 – 7:30pm
McGowan MG102
Join us for a talk by Dr. Jess Ponting (Assistant Professor, San Diego State University)