Tag Archives: Alumni

Where in the World are MIIS Students?

Thailand alumni - all part of the diplomatic corps - and their families gathered for a group photo.

Thailand alumni – all part of the diplomatic corps – and their families gathered for a group photo.

MIIS students  work and learn all over the world. They are global movers and shakers, engaged in some of the most critical social change and cultural exchange work of our time. Immersive Learning opportunities at MIIS, as well as an internationally-connected Center for Advising and Career Services contribute to our ever expanding network of MIIS students and alumni.

36 MIIS Students on Immersive Learning and International Professional assignments at organizations like the United Nations, the Nature Conservancy, the International Labour Organization, the World Bank, and the National Renewable Energy Lab.

Trade and Development students spent spring break visiting the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. They met local policy makers, learned from guest lectures by industry professionals and scholars, and explored the impact and policy implications of the Free Trade Zone (FTZ). 

Alumni continue to connect across the globe with fellow MIIIS grads, like these alumni who find each other while working at the International Labour Organization, and U.S. Embassies in Turkey, Malaysia, Thailand, and Germany.



Congratulations 2013 Graduates!

As Saturday’s graduation ceremony swiftly approaches, the eMIISsaries Steering Committee extends our congratulations toflags 2013 graduates. Nearly 300 students representing 31 different countries will be awarded degrees in Translation and Interpretation, Public Administration, Language Teaching, International Business Administration, International Policy Studies, and International Education Management. Graduates will go on to work at home and abroad on some of the most urgent social and environmental issues of our time. From pioneering coastal management strategies in the Pacific to transforming education in Afghanistan, MIIS students across the globe are embracing the challenge to Be the Solution.

The Institute welcomes Dr. Clara Yu as this year’s commencement speaker. Dr. Yu served as the 12th president of the Monterey Institute, and was instrumental in facilitating MIIS’s merge with Middlebury. She also founded the National Institute for Technology and Libclara yueral Education, a non-profit that pioneers the use of technology for teaching, learning, research, and information management. She currently serves on the Board of Visitors of the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA. Dr. Yu’s selflessness, hard work, and devotion to MIIS’s students and mission has won the respect of the Institute at home, as well as the admiration the Middlebury community, her alma mater.