Author Archives: Natalie Cox

2013 Annual Conference – Maneuvering the Maze: Understanding Justice in Conflicts

CCSThe Center for Conflict Studies (CCS)  will host the 2013 Annual Conference, Maneuvering the Maze: Understanding Justice in Conflicts. The Conference will take place November 14th through 16th at the Monterey Marriott Hotel. This illuminating event  seeks to explore the many notions of justice, the importance and role of justice in conflict and peace, the various approaches to justice, and the key players involved in providing, seeking and receiving justice.


CCS extends a special welcome to the eMIISsaries to attend the keynote speech by renowned guest Dianne Barker Harrold. Dianne served as the first female Native American District Attorney in the State of Oklahoma and is currently the attorney for the Tribal Council of the Cherokee Nation. In addition, she is an independent consultant for the US Department of Justice, the Office of Violence Against Women, the American Indian Resource Center, and the National Institute of Justice. Read her full bio online. The Keynote will be delivered Thursday November 14th, at 6pm, at the Monterey Marriott Hotel. Register to attend the Keynote Speech with eventbrite.

Marine Policy Speaker Series

Tuesday November 5th,palaureefs 6:00 – 7:30pm
McGowan 102

Monterey Institute of International Studies

Join the MIIS community Tuesday, November 5th to learn about scaling up coral reef conservation efforts in Micronesia. Guest speaker Chris LaFranchi is the director of OneReef, a Santa Cruz-based organization connecting local Micronesian communities with coral reef investors to reverse coral reef decline across the region. Over 500 million people directly depend on healthy reefs, and OneReef brings together diverse stakeholders in the Pacific Island region to address over-fishing, pollution, climate change, and reef degradation. Read a recent Bloomberg piece on OneReef’s work in Palau.

Dr. Aleksei Vsevolodovich Malashenko

MalashenkoThursday November 7, 12:15 pm – Irvine Auditorium
Monterey Institute of International Studies
Dr. Aleksei Malashenko is the co-chair of the Carnegie Moscow Center’s Religion, Society, and Security Program.
Dr. Malashenko also taught at the Higher School of Economics from 2007 to 2008 and was a professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations from 2000 to 2006. From 1976 to 1982 and again from 1986 to 2001, Malashenko worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences as a research fellow, head of the Islamic Department, and finally as senior associate. In 1990, he was also a visiting professor at Colgate University in New York. From 1982 to 1986, he was editor of the journal Problems of Peace and Socialism.
Dr. Malashenko is a professor of political science as well as a member of the RIA Novosti advisory council. He serves on the editorial boards of the journals Central Asia and the Caucasus and ActaEurasica and the newsletter Russia and the Muslim World and is a board member of the International Federation for Peace and Conciliation.
Dr. Malashenko is the author and editor of about twenty books in Russian, English, French, and Arabic, including: Islam in Central Asia (Garnet Publishing, 1994), Russia’s Restless Frontier (with Dmitri Trenin; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2004), The Islamic Alternative and the Islamist Project (Carnegie Moscow Center and Ves Mir, 2006), Russia and Islam (Carnegie Moscow Center and ROSSPEN, 2007), and My Islam (ROSSPEN, 2010).

Dianne Barker Harrold

dianne_barker_harrold_07302013_005The Monterey Institute’s Center for Conflict Studies (CCS) is excited to announce that Dianne Barker Harrold will be the keynote speaker for November’s conference on Understanding Justice in Conflicts. Harrold has practiced law for 26 years, mostly in Indian Country in Oklahoma. She served as tribal judge for thirteen Indian tribes in Oklahoma and as the first female Native American District Attorney in the state of Oklahoma, among numerous other positions. She is currently the attorney for the Tribal Council of the Cherokee Nation and the Resource Delivery Coordinator for Unified Solutions Tribal Community Development Group, Inc., in Tempe, Arizona.

Harrold is one of the founders of Oklahoma’s Help-In-Crisis domestic violence shelter, which for 33 years has served victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Her tireless advocacy for battered women and victims of crime has earned her a number of prestigious awards and titles. She is currently the Native American/Victim Representative for the State Victims of Crime Assistance (VOCA) Board for Oklahoma.

CCSAn enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, Harrold is also an independent consultant and frequently speaks around the country, training tribal prosecutors and law enforcement, victims’ advocates, child welfare workers, and service providers in the areas of child abuse, victim advocacy, domestic violence, sexual assault, and other related topics. In April of this year, United States Attorney General Eric Holder presented Harrold with the 2013 National Crime Victim Service Award for her long-term work with crime victims.

CCS looks forward to welcoming Harrold at the conference and learning from her incredible body of work, and extends a warm invitation to all eMIISsaries to join.

Leading International Trade Official to Join Monterey Institute Faculty

trade officialAmbassador Rufus H. Yerxa, outgoing deputy director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO), will join the faculty of the Monterey Institute as a visiting professor beginning in February.

“Ambassador Yerxa brings extensive experience as a policymaker, diplomat, trade negotiator and international lawyer to his new role at the Monterey Institute,” says President Sunder Ramaswamy. “Over the past 30 years he has been a key player in building and promoting the rules and institutions governing world trade. He will be a unique asset to the Institute and to our graduate students in trade and economic diplomacy, and international business.”

Ambassador Yerxa joins the Institute’s faculty after 11 years as deputy director-general at the WTO, where he worked to strengthen the organization by broadening its membership and enhancing its role in dispute settlement, monitoring and enforcement. Earlier in his career, he served as the United States Ambassador to GATT and was subsequently appointed by President Clinton to be the chief deputy U.S. trade representative in Washington. He was a leading figure in the effort to negotiate and secure Congressional approval of both the NAFTA agreement and the Uruguay Round/WTO agreement.

Read more via the MIIS Newsroom

MIIS Professor Sheds New Light on Israel’s Nuclear Decision-Making During Yom Kippur War in New York Times Op-Ed

avner cohenDr. Avner Cohen, professor of nonproliferation studies at the Monterey Institute and a noted scholar of Israel’s nuclear program,  released last week several items from his personal research archive that offer fresh new insights into Israel’s decision not to use nuclear weapons during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

A key item in this release is a video interview with the late Azarayahu ‘Sini’ Arnan, former senior advisor in the Israeli government. The interview upends conventional assumptions that Israel was very close to using nuclear weapons in this conflict (or even threatened to use nuclear weapons) and provides unique insight into how the Israeli government came to this decision.

Release of these materials coincides with the 40th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War on October 6. The New York Times published an op-ed piece authored by Dr. Cohen on this topic on October 3. In addition to his faculty position with the Monterey Institute, Dr. Cohen is a senior fellow and director of the Nonproliferation Education Program at the Institute’s James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

Make a Gift from your IRA

IRAA special opportunity to make an IRA charitable distribution to the Monterey Institute has been extended through the end of 2013. 

Time is running short! This is the last year to take advantage of this special opportunity. Under existing legislation, donors age 70 1/2 or older can again authorize their plan administrators to distribute up to $100,000 from their IRAs directly to qualified charities like the Monterey Institute without paying federal income taxes on the money.

For more information, go to or contact Kathy Joyce at or 831-647-3556.

There are special provisions that allow you to take advantage of this opportunity for the 2013 tax year, and you only have until December 31, 2013 to complete your gift!

Marine Policy Speaker Series

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 12.38.49 PMWe extend a special invitation to the eMIISsaries to attend the next installment in the Marine Policy Speaker Series, Can you hear me now? The Use of Passive Acoustic Methods for Monitoring and Mitigation of Marine Mammal Populations

Tuesday, October 8, 2013, 6 – 7:30pm
McGowan Building,  MG102

Join the Monterey Institute’s Center for the Blue Economy for a talk by Julie Oswald (Bio-Waves Inc.): Can you hear me now? The Use of Passive Acoustic Methods for Monitoring and Mitigation of Marine Mammal Populations.

Join Middlebury at the 2013 Solar Decathlon!

solar decMiddlebury College is competing this year at the US Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon, an award-winning program that challenges collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive. Since 2002, the Solar Decathlon has engaged 112 college teams in a multidisciplinary approach to designing and building solar technologies, involved 10,000 students in global competitions, and educated the public about clean energy solutions. California is proud to host this year’s biannual Solar Decathlon, to be held at the Orange County Great Park, in Irvine California.

We extend a special invitation to eMIISsaries to see Middlebury’s team in action in Irvine, visitors are welcome from 11am to 7pm, Thursday October 3rd to Sunday October 6th, and Thursday October 10th to Sunday October 13th.

You are also invited to attend a very special reception.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
1–3 p.m. at 
Paul Martin’s American Grill
Irvine Spectrum Center
31 Fortune Drive
Irvine, California
Please let us  know if you plan to attend the reception by registering at

Interested in Picking Up a New Language?

Always dreamed of learning Arabic? Want to brush up on that high school French? Looking for a venue to practice your conversational Spanish? We would like to extend a special invitation to the eMIISsaries to join MIIS students and community members for fun, beginning foreign language classes.


Beyond yoUrself In Language Development (BUILD) is a student-run organization that provides low-level language classes to the Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) and Monterey community. All of the classes are completely free, informal, and fun! They are taught by students of all programs at MIIS and members of the Monterey community with the support of students from the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Teaching Foreign Languages (TFL) and International Education Management (IEM) programs.

All of BUILD’s classes are entirely free and open to everyone! Come try out a class today, and together, we will BUILD something beautiful!

Languages this semester include: Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Farsi, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. To learn more, and see a detailed class schedule, visit their blog at