The Monterey Institute community is thrilled to invite the eMIISsaries to join us for TEDxMontereyWomen on December 6th. The event includes screenings of TEDWomen talks from around the globe, as well as local speakers presenting enlightening perspectives on women and women’s issues. Local speakers include Paulette Lynch with “Art is the Answer”, and Tonya Antle, with a talk entitled, “Why Stop Here?”. Connect with community members and Monterey Institute students around these energizing topics. Join us on Friday December 6th, from 4:30 to 7:00 pm in the Irvine Auditorium, 499 Pierce Street, Monterey Institute of International Studies. Tickets are sold in advance online at ($10 students, $20 adults). We look forward to seeing you there!
TEDx MontereyWomen
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