
It has been almost 70 days since I have been home and it is finally starting to hit me. Going into college, I was almost positive that I was going to experience severe homesickness. I had heard lots of horror stories of people who were so homesick they cried every single night and begged their parents to come and get them. The captain of my softball team my freshmen year was an incredible three sport athlete. She was a great student and seemed like she had it all together. Come to find out, she was incredibly homesick her entire first semester of college. It got to the point where her parents were worried about her safety. My family and I are incredibly close and we do everything together, which is why I feared being very homesick.

Surprisingly, I have not felt homesick at all up until now. To be honest, I think it is due to the fact that I have no time to think. When I am not in class, I am either playing softball, doing homework, or studying for my upcoming exams. The only time I have felt homesick was when my brother turned 15 and had a family party at my house. My mom sent me videos and lots of messages telling me how much she missed me and how the parties weren’t the same without me. With that one exception, I have been doing very well. However, recently I have found myself missing home, my friends, and my brother and sister who I have not seen in over two months. During fall break, I chose to fly to Maryland instead of going home. I do not regret my decision, but I wish I could have had a few days at home as well. As exams are beginning to pile up and the material is getting harder, I am feeling the pressure. I am still trying to figure out how to balance my time so I get all of my school work done, while still managing to practice softball, workout, and have a social life. Needless to say, I am counting down the days until Thanksgiving break.