Digital Media Log

Looking back at my digital media logs told me a lot about myself and how I choose to spend my time. I am addicted to my cell phone and I spend way too much time on it. The problem is that cell phones are not just calling and texting anymore, the possibilities are endless. I spend hours on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram each day checking up on my friends and the world around me. I also dedicate a lot of time to Pandora Radio, listening to it for an average of three hours a day during the summer. I worked for my parent’s company this past summer which entailed a lot of days sitting behind a desk at a computer. While working, I would always listen to music in an attempt to pass the time more quickly. Although I do not spend nearly as much time watching television as I do on my phone, I still spend a decent amount of my time watching my favorite shows. Along with regular television, I really enjoy watching Netflix. The problem with Netflix is it’s addicting. Once you start a new television series, you have to finish it. My sister once finished an entire series of Grey’s Anatomy in two days. I do not spend a lot of time on my computer unless I am doing homework for school or writing important emails. Although a media log is a bit tedious, I think it is a great tool. It shows me how much I depend on digital media and will help me limit my usage in the future.