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Archive for May, 2013

Education in Egypt: Access, Gender, and Disability – Part 3 Disability

• May 14, 2013

One does not have the impression that Egypt is a country that is ideally suited to a person with disabilities. It appears however that deliberate action has been taken on behalf of the government to address matters. Multiple articles talked about the lack of accessibility for people with limited mobility. Public transportation is not suited […]

Education in Egypt: Access, Gender, and Disability – Part 2 Gender

• May 14, 2013

There is a gender gap in education in Egypt described as “persistent” in several sources. (Loveluck &Unicef: 2012) Let’s consider some overall statistics. The total population of Egypt is currently about 91 million. It is divided equally between sexes with about 45 million each of males and females. (Ahrahm Online: 2012) According to Unicef, the […]

Education in Egypt: Access, Gender and Disability – Part 1 Access

• May 14, 2013

Revolution in Egypt has brought many fluctuations and challenges for its people. The educational system, as we have learned from previous posts, is a product of multiple factors. Leaders have changed regularly and as they’ve done so, political, economic and educational ideologies have shifted as well. Population growth has impacted the reach of governmental education […]

Ask the expert: Fatema Talaat Fouda Answers Questions on Access to Education

• May 14, 2013

I conducted an email interview with MIIS student Fatema Talaat Fouda in May, 2013 on the topic of education and accessibility, gender issues and disability. Here is what she told me: PL: With the current system in Egypt (public, private and religious lines of education) do you feel that all Egyptians (all economic classes) have […]