Suggested Sources for a Term Paper on Immigration Networks

Effect of Networks on FDI and Trade

Murat, M. and B. Pistoresi, (2009), “Emigrant and immigrant networks in FDI”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 16, pp.1261 and 1264. (Consider only pp 1261 and 1264,)

Sangita, Seema, (2013), “The Effect of Diasporic Business Networks on International Trade Flows”, Review of International Economics, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp 266-280. (consider only pp 266-269 and pp 278.) (PUT ON RESERVE.)

Effect of Networks on Migration

Pedersen, P.; M. Pytlikova and N. Smith, (2008), “Selection and network effects- Migration flows into OECD countries 1990-2000”, European Economic Review, Vol. 52, pp 1160-1186.

Liu, M., (2013), “Migrant Networks and International Migration: Testing Weak Ties”, Demography, Vol. 50. pp. 1243-1277. (Consider only pp 1243-1247.) (PUT ON RESERVE)

Sanderson, Matthew, (2014), “Networks of capital, networks for migration: political-economic integration and the changing geography of Mexico-US migration”, Global Networks, Vol. 14, pp 23-43., (Consider only pp 23-26.) (PUT ON RESERVE)
