My reflexion of me

It is so funny, and embarrasing, to see myself from audience the perspective. I laugh a lot actually because just now I realized what my parents and my best friends always told me about my way of making a point. In Cuba we have a precise word to describe that: guapería. But I don’t think there’s a word for that in English so I will go with the only thing I can think of is somehow similar to guapería, and it would be something like “rapper mode”.

I am not a quite, calm, Zen person; I do not know how to speak low or soft; and I do not have a girly voice. Instead I am very hyperactive, to loud and tuff, and my voice is in a very low range tone for a girl. So yes, I tend to sound impositive, and to maximized my gestures and to intimidate because it looks like if I were fighting….but I’m not! I just get excited when I am talking about something I care about. But still… it was super funny to see myself and notice what others see.

Perhaps one has to be a little bit of an actriz to stand in front of an audience and get lost in the moment and be patience with oneself and project what is in ones mind, because it so different the way you thing you are going to speak and react than the way you actually do it. And it takes a lot of practice, and a lot of confidence in order to be coherent, consistent, and make your point and to make the audience really undesrtand what you are saying.

I dont know if I can modified my loudness but I will definitely try to change my pojection, my guapería, my “rapper mode”, and of course, I will try to improve my English speaking skills, because that determines also the quality of anyone speech. I am sure that all of us, speaking in our native language are much better, so we need to learn how to be as good in English.