Category Archives: Videos

Reaction in Review; Watching Disconnected


Disconnected Film Release Poster

Disconnected Film Release Poster

  • Just because Caitlin wasn’t going to have a computer she felt like she was going to “sink into a puddle [or] crawl into a hole.”
  • Just because Andrew had to use a phone for conversation, it was going to be more…”intimate.” Something he wasn’t entirely comfortable with.
  • Without a computer they got bored, they could “only do homework.”


These were all symptoms that the documentary film directed by students from Carlton College, Disconnected, displayed through the 3 students who were focused on while they went through a 5 week experiment to stay away from a computer.

I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t do it. And I know I couldn’t do it – only because of school. Now there is a difference in timing, the film was released in 2008 though most of the filming occurred in 2007. Compared to today, I see that most of my classes rely on some type of computer technology. It would LITERALLY be impossible for me to succeed in my classes without access to a computer. I will say that the film did not seem like it was made


In terms of communication and social life, I know I can go without a computer. A phone is different; I would need to text people and call people. That’s inevitable – especially since I am away from home and I need to stay in touch with friends from home and communicate with friends here in college during breaks. But I honestly give the cast a lot of credit for going through that trouble for the documentary. I will say that I did think that some of the cast members did get a positive result from the experiment. I honestly thought that Caitlin was addicted; I was personally concerned with the things that she expressed. Also, the fact that she wrapped her computer in order to control herself from using it really shocked me – she called it psychological. I said “I think she might actually be addicted.”


Check out the film – only an hour long – and it’s funny to hear some of the struggles that the students went through. Besides – you might be inspired; can you last as long as they did without a computer?