Middlebury Media Use

While I am awake, there are only two specific times when I do not have a personal piece of technology in front of me. Those two times are football and intro Macro. Its pretty obvious why I don’t have technology with me for football; and in Macro, my teacher does not allow the use of computers. That’s it, the only time I find myself without a screen in front of me.

Thinking about it, its almost sad. In all my classes, except Macro, I take notes on my computer. Throughout the day, I’m constantly on my phone. Whenever I have down time, I’m on my computer.

People might think ‘there’s no way you are always on some sort of technology.’ I’m sorry to report that they are wrong. Meals? Sure I eat and talk with my friends for meals, but my phone is always sitting next to my plate in case I get a text or notification of some kind. Hanging out? Ya I like to chill and play video games (yet another screen), but my phone is always in my pocket, ready to be attended to if need be.

The worst part about my situation is that I know I am not the only one who does this. Not only that, but I am most likely part of the majority. My friends and siblings do it to. We always need to be plugged in. Technology is taking over our lives. Scratch that, technology has taken over our lives.
