Cell Phone Obsessed

I remember receiving my first ever cell phone. A bright red, slim Krzr. What would most kids that age have done? Most likely texted every person they have met or tried to find cool games. Not me. I got the phone and simply threw it in a drawer in my kitchen, powered off, where it stayed for weeks. Texts from friends would come in but they would go unanswered. I didn’t feel the need to be tied down to this device. How I wish I could go back to that point. I am attached to my phone now. I relish in the times when I can simply throw it on my bed and walk away from it for hours. Knowing I am always accessible is annoying, frustrating, and wonderful all at the same time. I think I need to start setting aside times for myself when I am completely technology free. My inner 7th grader is still there and I need to take advantage of her.