My Name is Cameron and I’m an Addict

I’m not quite sure what I did before I had my iPhone. To think that just over a year ago I lived without my most coveted possession and walked around with a BLACKBERRY in my pocket… Reminiscing on those days it makes me wonder if I am really better off with my new Smartphone, or if having a simpler, less capable device would allow for a better balance in my life. Nevertheless, the usage is there – as is the addiction – and I don’t think I could ever return to my old ways.

It starts first thing in the morning; from the moment I open my eyes and stretch my arms. They seem to always stretch towards my desk to where my phone sits charging in peace. I disturb that peace by swiping to the right and start going through my texts, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook and more. It’s a daily routine that doesn’t end there. After I get out of bed, eat my breakfast, and settle down into my day, I’m back at it. I’m constantly engaged in what my friends (and social media friends) are doing, thinking and sharing. It seems as though I never miss a moment.

As weird as it may seem, I don’t contribute very much to this sharing. I hardly post anything on social media. Rarely do I share my music, pictures or thoughts, but I take advantage of what’s being put out there. I think there should be a word for people like me. Stay tuned…