Twitter – My Thought Wasteland

Today, at four in the morning I was checking my bags in for a 5:45am flight in Denver. The United website had told me that I qualified for two free bags because of my MilagePlus standing. Yet, there I was having to pay $60 for my two bags. I confronted the lady at the desk about this and she simply said: “No… Ya don’t”. After that, the man who took my bag slammed my ski bag onto the conveyer belt with brutish force. This upset me more than the $60 fee. Inside that ski bag are two pairs of skis valued at $1300/pair, not to mention the massive amount of time and wax I have invested into keeping them sharp and fast them and will continue to do so throughout the ski season. I looked at the man in astonishment as he turned toward me and all he said was: “Can I help you?” Are you kidding me United?

Angry and looking to vent, I turned to Twitter. I don’t have a lot of followers and I don’t have a lot riding on my Twitter account (so I think). Because of this, I sometimes use expletives in my tweets. As I waited in the astonishingly long security line, I had the following conversation with United Airline’s Twitter account.

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To be honest, I did not expect them to respond to me. It definitely caught me off guard. But, unwilling to be caught off guard, I answered them and later filled out their form. I am very doubtful anything will come of it, but I was still slightly impressed that someone was taking the time to answer customer’s complaints.


If one were to look at my Twitter, you would find a lot of random humor and commentary that may not be very funny. I Tweet it because I think that it’s funny, hoping to maybe get a favorite or two. However, having a rather disloyal following, this happens rarely. I tweet because I can. I tweet because it seems to be less consequential than Facebook. None of my friends really care about Twitter. Nothing I tweet about really matters. I really only use the medium to follow sports, politicians, and news stories. Twitter is what you make it. I am pretty comfortable with what I have made out of my Twitter.


– Murph