Athletic Technology

Last week, we started our winter training program for crew — and I started out much too strong.  At the end of our 10k erg piece, I had managed to completely blow out my back.  It hurt to sit up or move even the slightest bit for days.  So, on Friday, I decided to go to the athletic trainer.  Upon arrival, he almost laughed at me as he identified at least 7 different places in my back where I had muscle spasms.  I have to admit, I was really upset and nervous that I would be out for the whole season.  But then he introduced me the stem machine.

For the record, I know this is going to deviate from our focus on media, but I think this technology is so cool.  Plus, I’m sure that media played a role in researching and developing this machine.  For those of you who haven’t experienced this, you’re basically hooked up to a machine that produces electronic shocks which cause your muscles to move without you having to exercise.  It helps reduce the spasms and work on the muscles to make them stronger.  It felt like I was getting a back massage, and kind of freaked me out when I remembered that there was nothing but little stickers touching on my back.  Sure enough, my back felt a little better after this was over.  I’m so impressed that people have managed to develop a technology as simple yet advanced as this.  It’s pretty awesome.  I honestly think the sky is the limit in the world of technology and media — props to all the super smart people out there.  Until next time.