Life Without Word Processing

Today, I had a midterm for my Creative Process class due at 5 pm.  We had to write two related essays about readings we had done in class, and were required to turn in a hard copy.  On my walk over the the CFA at 4:15, I realized just how much I needed a computer for this assignment.  I couldn’t help but think back to the Disconnected documentary, in which the students wrote their essays by hand and transferred their work to a typewriter.  Sure, it wouldn’t have been impossible, but my experience writing these essays would have been long and tedious, and I likely wouldn’t have the energy to sit here and write even a short blog post.

What would typically be a very painful experience was actually painless today.  I plugged my headphones in, pressed play on an iTunes playlist, and flew through my first paper.  I took a 45 minute break to watch the Women’s Soccer team win the NESCAC title (GO MIDD!), then came back to my room to write the next essay.  I finished the assignment in the shortest amount of time it’s ever taken me to complete an essay assignment — just about 3 hours.  I wrote seven pages of what I considered to be quite good material.  I’m really thankful that we have computers and word processors that make it so much easier for us to do assignments like these, because I honestly don’t know how I would have made it through high school or be surviving college at this moment.  Although I’m definitely not advocating for more essays, it really wasn’t all that bad with the help of my little friend the MacBook Pro.