
After going through the process to start creating and thinking about a lesson plan to teach students at a nearby middle school, I have come to realize that most students need more appreciation for how much a teacher puts into each lesson plan (this of course if the teacher is a good one and likes his/her job). The process is incredibly thought intensive and takes a lot of time and energy to come up with a good lesson plan. It is obviously easier when you have a utility in your class that the teacher uses as a structure for the class, like a text book, but it is still difficult to transfer information that you take from the text book and transform it into an engaging lesson. Having a specific topic to teach is also a great help to coming up with lesson plans, but like I said the topic is the easy part, the way in which you present the topic is the hard part. There are many things that come up when making a lesson. You may start with a good idea, but then decide to change it at least three or four times throughout the process. You have to think about all factors that are involved in the topic and make sure to point out the negatives and positives of the topic and the way you teach it. In my digital media class, we are going to a school nearby and teaching middle school students a lesson relating to digital media. It is definitely a exciting experience to have the students look up to you and listen to you as you are the teacher, but the important part is to make sure that you get the students excited and engaged about learning. In class we have gone through a lot of preparation, including going through many different articles on how to come up with a good lesson plan starting with some good goals and substantial essential questions.
Teaching has a lot to do with planing and coming up with a outline for your lesson, once you have a general idea for your lesson you should be confident enough to teach it!
I have a lot of respect and appreciation for teachers and professors.