What Now?

Midterms are over. I have written a total of thirty pages of essays in the last two weeks. I have taken two 2+ hour examinations and an in class essay. So my question is: what now? I almost feel bored that school is conventional again. I sit here in the library thinking that it was an unproductive day because I only had 90 pages of reading for PolySci, wrote half an essay for Spanish, and worked on my wiki during the day. Midterms made me stronger. Writing a five page essay does not seem like such a daunting task anymore.


I suppose it’s time to look to the future. We are only have five weeks until finals. Soon, the snow will fall and I will be skiing again. Soon, I will be getting back from a day of training at the snow bowl, cold and tired and wanting a nap. But instead, I will have to finish an Econ problem set and do some readings for DML. From hearing stories from alumnus this weekend, I have learned that this whirlwind will soon be over as the real world awaits us. It may be tough right now, but it is also so exciting. I have learned an incredible amount already and I look forward to learning even more.


– Murph