Fall Break Hangover

I’ve been asked how my fall break was far too many times since I’ve been back on campus. It’s been “good”, “fun” or “unreal” depending on who was asking. Indeed I had a really good time last weekend, especially since I had the relief of having completed all of my midterms. However, upon my return I have had trouble getting my schoolwork done. My workload pre to post break has diminished significantly, and as a result I’ve pushed a lot it off.

Something interesting I noticed while I was home was how little time I spent online. I don’t have one particular theory as to why that was, but spending a lot of time with friends and family was definitely a factor. Consequently, upon returning to school, I’ve increased my computer/phone use, probably a result of me making up for lost time. This has probably played a role in my procrastination.

Hopefully I can get out of this funk soon and get my life back on track.