Fall Break

Unfortunately, I cannot give praise to my first fall break experience similar to my classmates. Although not required, I stayed on campus because of the limited free time I had due to football. I would have gone home, but the football team had practice on Sunday and Tuesday, leaving only a day and a half to be off campus. I didn’t think it was worth it to make the 3 1/2 hour drive home and back. So I spent my days of fall break wasting away in Battell.

In all seriousness, I didn’t do anything interesting. The highlights of my break include going to a gas station/Dunkin Donuts and scratching lottery tickets (and losing) and going to pick up a friend from the Rutland airport. I ate almost all of my meals at Proctor and didn’t get any work done. On Monday I think I spent about six hours playing FIFA (you can refer to Nick’s post about FIFA if you don’t know what it is).

All in all, it was nice to take a break from classes, but in the future I think I will plan a little bit better so I have things to occupy my time if I stay on campus.