No Technology for 24 hrs

Media fasting happens once in a while for me. Doing it now, was not all that hard as I thought it would’ve been. When I first came to Middlebury and had to go camping on my Middview trip where I had no cell service. This was my first taste of how it felt like to be away from home and not being able to stay in contact with people. Previously, when I was at home, I would have random days that I would stray away from my technology and just relax and enjoy simple things I liked to do, but I knew that I would always have a connection through phone if they called. It wasn’t a task assigned to me so I felt at ease mostly.

Having to fast now was worrisome at first because it’s hard to keep in the loop of what’s going on in Middlebury or class without having access to technology. Anxiety crept its way through the day, but I kept myself sane by cleaning and occupying myself with friends. These are things I usually do anyway, but it was harder for me to actually really find someone that I needed. Technology for me is a way that I use to make sure that I am in the know about what’s going on or if I am needed by someone. I deactivated my Facebook before doing this (thank goodness) which helped a lot more. I didn’t have the urge to constantly check status updates and try to see who is doing what out of my friends. I honestly don’t miss being on Facebook at all. It seemed to be what I used to help me kill time. As for emails, I usually get promo emails from shopping sites and occasionally those important ones that pop up. It was not anything special.

Fasting in all honesty is something I’ll consider doing once in a while continuously. Most likely during breaks because having to put down my technologies here, is really nerve wrecking.