Media Fast

Glad to say that I am done with that.

To be honest, it was exactly what I expected since I had many days during my gap year which I couldn’t use digital media. After this media fast, I can confirm that I use digital media most of the time to fill up some spare time. Since I knew this was coming, I forced myself doing other activities because I knew I would start feeling empty if I didn’t. I went to the gym, watched the football game and organized my room. The only time I felt like I needed a phone was when I wanted to contact my friend because we were planning on to go to town together. It didn’t work out, so I ended up reading my book.

After reading, it was already after 12, so I pounced onto my phone finding what I have missed out. It wasn’t anything exciting, just some boring people asking how am I or what am I up to. Even though I would have preferred having a mobile phone on me, I concluded that I could live without one.