The Phantom Vibration

You all know what I am talking about. That moment when you know that your phone just vibrated in your pocket, yet when you pull it out and take a look, the screen is blank. It happens to me all the time and its super frustrating. Below is a link to an article that discusses this phenomenon a bit more.

I’m trying to think about what actually upsets me when it comes to the phantom vibration. Is it the physically exhausting task of taking my phone out of my pocket that bothers me? Or is it the fact that I am not as popular as I think I am?

Its most likely the latter. This idea ties into the “being connected” mentality. You might be missing something that is on your newsfeed, or in a group message, or even a Sportscenter update. Regardless of the reasoning, the Phantom Vibration will continue to haunt the pockets of smartphone owners as long as they exist.