Hong Kong

I have many ideas for what to write in this blog. This gap year has been a big change for me; at least I am more aware of what goes around me. I understand my family, Hong Kong and myself better.  I have forgotten how vibrant Hong Kong could be as a city, yet how frustrating it could be.


There are so many reasons to love about Hong Kong. It has the best infrastructure in the world. It is hard to explain in words, but I am comfortable wherever I go in Hong Kong.


Everything just seems to be planned out. Hong Kong is prepared for whatever you want. I feel quite spoilt by Hong Kong because I feel it satisfies me in so many ways. Everything just seems to be there when I want it to be. I am going to list out of some of the major reasons of why I love Hong Kong so much, but everyday I keep finding new reasons to love Hong Kong.


All of my friends live in Hong Kong. Whenever we want to meet up, it is possible because Hong Kong is such a small city; everyone just seems to live beside each other. Friends are important in my life; I enjoy sharing my thoughts with them and listening to what they have to say. As Mitch Albom said, love is opening your heart to someone and listening to what they have to say; love is the only rational thing.


Public transport is amazingly convenient. As I mentioned just now, it just seems to work. Everywhere I go just seems to be on top of a MTR exit, so I actually travel more by MTR even though my mum allows me to use her driver. Even though the MTR doesn’t reach the Peak, bus service is so easy and accessible in Hong Kong that I could expect a Route 1 bus when I stand by the roads. Everything seems to be there at the right time; it’s inexplicable how convenient Hong Kong is.


I am lucky enough to live on the Peak so that I could see both sides of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is one of the leading financial centers in the world. At central, there are massive skyscrapers and a decent amount of traffic. Foreign people see Hong Kong this way. However, I live in the Peak, and I see a tranquil side of Hong Kong.


The only major thing I do not like and love about Hong Kong is that all my friends and acquaintances are around me. It gets tiring after a while, bumping into a friend or an acquaintance on the street, and then organizing for lunch. However, it is also not polite to reject them for a catch-up, putting one in a tough spot. It isn’t that I have some sort of hatred against all them; it is that I simply can’t spend too much time on socializing. I get fed up, occasionally angry when this happens and feel the need to leave Hong Kong.


Everything seems too redundant. I remember the times I was at Winchester when I craved just to be back at Hong Kong. Being at Hong Kong for the past six months, I realized that living in Hong Kong is not what I need. I need a balanced life; some time spent in quiet towns, and times spent in busy cities. Thinking about all of this, I recognized how lucky I am. My parents have given me the most comfortable environment to live in. It is time to appreciate all of this and take full advantage of it.