Getting in Touch With Friends

Over the break I was back home. It never felt so good to be back to the city. I was waiting for the day to come. Now that I was back home, it was time to see all the people that I had missed. I realized that many people found it easy to gather friends through social media. I always found out last about a meet up because I was only reachable by text or call. The convenience of social media use to my friends was useful in planning out events. I just didn’t think I wanted to go through activating Facebook again. I like the pace with what I have now. I really don’t miss Facebook. I find myself doing other things rather than looking at people’s updates and funny stupid videos. If I really wanted to talk or know how someone was doing, I’ll text them or call. For me, I think it is a much more close tie to a friend by calling and reaching out by phone than using Facebook unless there was a circumstance that caused a barrier for communication. I liked Facebook, but I don’t seem to think much of it now. Working with just a phone and for now a twitter has shown me that there is not much of a need for social media. It’s a good thing to kill time and see what others are up to and what not, but sometimes it becomes too much in your life. I like not constantly thinking of what’s going on on Facebook. It may be hard in some ways to reach me, but I like it this way. :)